As a law firm your priority is giving your clients the best advice and expertise you can. To ensure that you make the most of your time during the working week, you need to stay on top of the essential details of running an office. In this article we look into how virtual assistants can help you spend more time on your profession and less on your paperwork.

Just for you

When you’re busy with cases, a virtual assistant can act as a PA to help you get through your heavy workload. Whether it’s answering your phone or sorting your email, take a look at the ways you could benefit from hiring a virtual assistant offering secretarial services and a range of other support skills:

  • An email inbox management virtual assistant can prioritise your incoming emails and reply to key correspondence so you don’t miss out on anything even at your busiest points
  • Online diary management, including scheduling meetings and sending you reminders for your calendar events
  • Arranging travel overseas or booking restaurants and transportation

A part of your team

From playing a secretarial role to helping with marketing, a virtual assistant can play a role within your law firm whilst working virtually. Alongside providing personal support, a virtual assistant can:

  • Carry out website content maintenance, as well as keeping your social media up to date with the latest relevant news and information
  • Provide customer services for your clients, booking meetings and providing remote support by answering their questions
  • Deal with book keeping, create and send invoices to clients and send you reminders for your bills, or sort out their payment remotely
  • Keep track of your bar association fees and other accounts
  • Transcribe any handwritten notes that need to be available electronically

A virtual assistant can also help with research for cases. Highly trained staff will be able to work with the details you provide to produce useful and insightful information.

Make the most of your money

Taking on extra staff can be expensive, but one of the bonuses of using a VA service is that their prices are much more competitive and flexible than regular secretarial and PA rates. If you’re tight on cash, consider the benefits of part-time vs full-time virtual assistants – one of the great things about this type of assistance is that it works on a pay-by-the-hour basis, so you can pay for exactly as much as you can afford.

Extra benefits

Aside from the smaller workload, and the resulting increase of time available for you to spend focusing on your cases, hiring a virtual assistant versus a secretary ensures that the balance of your office stays the same. Without the cost of an added employee coming in and out of the office all the time, a virtual assistant efficiently executes tasks with minimum disruption as well as low prices.

So, if you’re interested in a low-cost, efficient and flexible way of making the most impact with your business, consider taking a look at your virtual assistant options to find out how virtual assistants can maximise your success.

If you’re interested in finding out more about our virtual pa services for small businesses feel free to call us on 0800 994 9016 or use our contact form in the menu above.


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