If you are registering a business in the UK, you’ll need a registered business address. Traditionally, of course, this has usually been the office where your business operates. Today, however, businesses operate remotely and don’t need or want physical office space. That’s why there’s been a rise in demand for virtual business addresses that companies can use for Companies House, and for post and other business communications. A business address allows you to keep your own home address private and lends a professional air to your company.

A virtual address is still a physical location – it has to be in order to comply with the law for registering a business. But it doesn’t have to be an office where you work every day. Instead, you rent the space as you would a PO Box, giving you a registered address that’s safe, secure and reliable.

How to get a virtual business address

There are a range of companies that specialise in renting legal business addresses. In order to get the best outcome, it’s worth doing a bit of research on costs, admin, other services and location. For example, an agent may also offer to handle your post, and could also offer a telephone answering service – so you need to think about what services you need and how much you can afford. Here are some top tips for things to consider:

Where do you want to be? The benefit of a virtual business address, just like using a virtual office assistant, is that you can be getting on with your business from your home or co-working space whilst your office services are helping you to give the impression of a bigger organisation. Base your office in the nearest big town or city to give more weight to your business.

What can you afford? Obviously, the more prestigious the address, the more you are likely to pay each month in rent. By doing some research, you’ll see what the average prices are for the locations you’re interested in, and you can decide what you can afford. Remember that you’ll probably have to commit to renting for at least 12 months.

What services do you need? You might just want a registered address that you can use with Companies House and on your website, stationery and other business communications. You might want to add a mail service so that your mail can be either opened and handled or forwarded to you. Agents also offer services like banking services, so think about what might be most useful to you and plan accordingly. Some may even offer hot-desking or co-working options, allowing you to work from your registered address when you need to.

A professional approach

Having a business address gives your business a professional appeal. It helps with recruitment, for example. Many small businesses now have virtual employees who are working from home, rather than from an expensive office space, but the address gives your company a serious outlook and a good foundation.

Just like using a remote registered address, there are other things you can outsource to help you concentrate on running your business no matter where you are. This includes using services like a virtual assistant – benefits include only paying for the time you use, and bringing specialist skills into your business without the expense or responsibility of hiring permanent staff. Working with virtual administrative assistants helps you to get rid of some of the time-consuming day-to-day tasks and focus on selling your product or services and growing your business.

If you need support with finding remote registered addresses for virtual businesses, why not call us on 0800 994 9016 or use our contact form in the menu above to find out more?


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